(If you would like more love and relationship Tarot meanings for Temperance, be sure to check out my Love Tarot Meanings E-Book). Regardless of upright or reversed, make sure to gain a suitable level of self-confidence. However, the Temperance card also asks for balance. Although it is a positive thing to be able to openly show emotions, it can sometimes result in unfair premature judgment of a situation or lashing out in anger at a person who is undeserving of it. Sure, we want to be our partners confidant and best friend, but not someone to take out their frustrations on. There isnt enough energy to properly juggle all your responsibilities and follow your passions at the same time. If anything, now is the time to find new pleasures in life. Whats the difference between the Major and Minor Arcana. All of these require temperance, which is restraint that moderates reactions. If you are in a relationship, you couldnt hope to draw a better card than Temperance. . It may be a job or a passion that you are set on pursuing. However, make sure that your treatment is well-balanced dont discount the benefits of either traditional or holistic medicine, as you dont have to choose one over the other. In reverse, however, the Temperance card signifies emotional imbalance and spiritual agitation. A holistic and mindful approach is a passion which helps me work with temperance, curiosity, and a constant desire to learn. This is also a great time to ask yourself about your goals. Right now, I don't perceive it that way. Your person especially appreciates your gentle ways and calming energy. However, it also advises to be patient and let the relationship unfold naturally. Restore that balance to prevent it from impacting your physical and mental health. The next time that you are faced with this situation, one that you know will overwhelm you with stress, stop and take three deep breaths. Plans, coordinates and delivers nursing care to patients and families. All rights reserved. They may have had some negative and dramatic relationships in the past. Furthermore, Temperance reversed could signify imbalanced relationships or routines. Everything is operating as planned and the goal will definitely be reached. Your relationship may only be on a short-term basis. The situation doesnt call for impulse decision making, nor does it ask for being overly cautious. Express your feelings and dont be afraid. When there is emotional tension between two people, a few angry words or a sign of disrespect can be the drop that makes the cup overflow. Reforging Glory. She is the author of The Modern Oracle. Theyve rebalanced their emotions even if they reacted in the extremes when it happened. August 23, 2021. Let's talk about love. If you cant work things out with a specific friend, turn to those who make you feel safe and loved. Two people, along with a crown, are seen to be falling towards the ground. Questions concerning relationships are usually quite high on the list in readings and, perhaps, one of the most frequently asked is the possibility of reconciling with an ex-lover or partner. With the thunder in the background and the smell of peppermint, its like being whisked away to a far away place! Unfortunately, Temperance Reversed doesnt bode well for your social life. A person could say "I forgive you" and simply not mean it or even be setting us up for retaliation. If you have any bad habits that could compromise your health, this is a good time to try and get them under control. Over time, trust solidifies into a rock-solid foundation for a great relationship. It can make you more emotional, more driven. For a current relationship, a period of disputes and disagreements is about to ensue. Good things come to those who wait and know to never ask for more than they can handle. Forgiveness is of two types. Look forward to a wholesome and pleasant time with your loved one. Wisdom and knowledge (creativity, curiosity, open-mindedness, love of learning, perspective, and innovation), courage (bravery, persistence, integrity, vitality, and zest), humanity (love, kindness, and social intelligence), justice (citizenship, fairness, and leadership), temperance (forgiveness and mercy, humility, prudence, and self-control), and transcendence (appreciation of beauty and excellence, gratitude, hope, humor, and spirituality). This may result in impulsivity, mood swings, or even anxiety and depression. You are blessed with the ability to see the entirety of a situation clearly, allowing you to enjoy significant progress in those areas of life you choose to seek out and explore. Receiving this card is always a positive sign for medical matters. In your coming trials work with those around you to find the best way forward. Temperance is the most underrated Tarot card indicating peace, contentment and serenity a welcomed edition to any Tarot reading. Was it a toxic friendship group, where this offered a good opportunity for everyone to start over? Those interventions have been delivered in counseling and psychotherapy, in psychoeducational groups, in classrooms, in DIY workbooks, and in internet-based programs. While passion is important your attitude might be more overbearing than affectionate at this point, It's important to be optimistic, but you shouldn't be fully committed on a single date either. They may do it unintentionally, in order to stick with their own opinions, or deliberately. Temperance is a reassuring sign because it means that one day, you will gain peace. The Temperance card is the fourteenth card of the Major Arcana. The Tower Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More! If you are experiencing health issues right now, its because you are out of balance in these areas. It makes you a person who hopefully is able to acknowledge that they need to take a rest and sort it out. That doesnt mean disagreements and conflict never happens. Their presence is always reliable and their advice always useful. They are natural healers and mentors and can work as teachers or artists. When we try to force relationships and people to go the way we want, it can often implode in our face. Reversed, the Temperance card indicates that this person perceives you to be quite an impulsive or unpredictable person. Temperance in upright position means a moderate 'yes'. This may be related to work or a professional situation. Have patience and work towards your goals. You're going to be hit with a sense of having to create something soon, and you'll feel the need to dedicate yourself to it. Students will have to put in more effort. E is for empathize with the person who hurt you so you can emotionally replace the negative unforgiving emotions with positive ones. Your fears can be wiped away, because the Temperance upright suggests that you will be satisfied with the result. In Peterson and Seligman's values in action scheme, tolerance is named but patience is not included in the character strengths they say make up temperance. Everything in harmony, where its supposed to be, all is beautiful and peaceful. However, in reverse, the future is not so positive. Whereas the Temperance upright can be affiliated with a natural landscape, the reversed can be associated with the urban landscape instead. A new article appearing in Frontiers in Psychology suggests that a better understanding of the human virtue of temperance has the potential to unlock new treatments for a range of psychological issues such as depression, relationship conflict, impulsiveness and impatience, and anxiety. An avid Tarot reader from the age of 7, Lisa believes that divination should be effortless, personalised, and meaningful. It may be an external environment that is holding you in the energy of the reversed Temperance card. If you are in a relationship, you couldnt hope to draw a better card than Temperance upright. This is a relationship that can be seen as a perfect fit, as you work extremely well together. Being so caught up in an energy of stress takes away your creativity and ability to enjoy the quiet moments. Post by divination and fortune-telling with Tarot for love, romance and relationships. 3 of pentacles is traditionally related to work. So whilst this card advises you to avoid being a mediator, attempting to always tone down the situation, its meaning reversed also reflects its meaning upright; to stay in control. Acceptance involves a defusing of the emotion and a commitment to move on and try not to look back. To act in the restraint of temperance requires practicing patience. Temperance predicts a happy home life, especially when combined with a Nine of Pentacles or Four of Wands. What does Temperance Reversed mean in Conflict? Temperance will appear in your Tarot reading as a sign that your ancestors have your back. You may have to try several approaches to things before you find what is truly right for you. ), conscientiousness-based virtues (like justice, self-control, courage), and epistemic virtues (like wisdom and curiosity). That makes a decision to forgive easier. When Temperance is reversed, the flow of life is interrupted. 2022 Sibyl Tarot. A gesture of friendship, a message that you are willing to find a solution, is a good start. Advertise with us. Even if the situation doesnt look calm from the outside, try to find the positives. Sometimes we get too caught up with our goals and forget everything else. While it should not be considered canon, its basically looking out and clearing up space for yourself. If you are wondering about a potential relationship, Temperance as love outcome means this person feels youre a good match for them. Temperance is often quiet after the storm. Even if we fall from grace, we can make amends and recover. According to the researchers, improving temperance has the potential to smooth problematic relationships . But do not become discouraged if you draw the reverse. But when we are tolerant, we often have a lot of emotional loading on an issue and sometimes our suppressed anger is like a bomb with a trip-wire, waiting for any disturbance to set it off. Reconnecting with nature is also extremely vital for relaxing our bodies and minds and re-aligning ourselves. It doesnt necessarily promise you will or will not meet someone, but you will be happy whatever happens in your love life. The Temperance card signifies a place that takes you away from the bustling streets or noisy cities. Astrologically associated with Sagittarius, the Temperance card is a very high-vibrational card. Third, forgiving also increases hope and lessens both depression and anxiety. Perhaps the lesson here is to know when you need to take appropriate action when required, but also when to step back. They were at once the lay face of the church, the spiritual heart of civic government, and the social kin who claimed the allegiance of peers and the obedience of subordinates. Any problems or negativity will be resolved. Get honest answers, with no hidden fees. The angel's robe is simple but in the centre of the cloth lies a bold orange triangle within a square; this shows the Earth's connection to the holy trinity whilst the . Drawing it implies that you know who you are, what you want to achieve, and how you plan on realizing your goals. It could even refer to losing contact with your spiritual self, suffering from a spiritual blockage of some sort. It might also be a sign that youre about to receive an unexpected message, or that its time to text an old friend. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. It is a positive type of tarot that signifies inner calm and tranquility. Be patient and plan out your long-term goals. Temperance reversed means that you fail to moderate your emotions and your temper. However, I would say that Temperance is a no for any question that involves change or shaking things up. Remember that one time when you tried talking to your crush only to jumble your words and make a fool of yourself? Show patience and kindness, mellow out! No one is perfect, but this person is most definitely a great person to have as a friend and should be appreciated. Current relationships may be taking a toll on your mental health. Our partners should be our safe havens from the world. This might fuel insecurities and anxiety, and make it very difficult to deal with any kind of feeling, even positive ones. If your career is stressful, Temperance predicts an end to your worries. These are all keywords that can portray what exactly this person thinks of you. This card represents balance, control over our lives, and absolute equilibrium. Don't allow this to stop you from having fun, however. Your person is extremely grateful to have you in their life. These attributes establish trust. We choose to treat the person as a valued and valuable person. This is the stroke of luck that saves us when we are on the brink of destruction, the miraculous convalescence of terminally ill patients. The orange triangle within the white square is spirit grounded in matter, the holiness of nature! In general, the Temperance card reversed does not signal harmonious intentions, justified or unjustified. When referring to career, the Temperance card in reverse urges you to be responsible with career opportunities. Perhaps you are incompatible. Yes, this person likes you as long as you do not bring any drama or negativity to their life. Four of Cups and Ace of Swords Dont rush it. Unsubscribe at any time. Temperance is the card of moderation, balance, harmony, and patience. In the present position, Temperance means that something youve long yearned for be it wealth, romance, a new car or something entirely different is about to come to fruition. However, this isnt too big of a deal, as Temperance upright assures you that youll be able to establish a good equilibrium. Basically, Temperance tells you that, with proper organizing skills, you achieve more by doing less This applies to social settings, too. For this reason, it could also refer to a place far away from civilization. If you are currently in separation with each other, Temperance as love outcome means your person is pretty Zen about the situation. This suit, most often named "Coins" or "Pentacles", is a symbol for a magical talisman that represented wealth or potential. Discussions flow naturally and lead to constructive thinking and subtle realizations that benefit both of you. Patience is more likely if we do not have to carry the baggage of unresolved hurts and offenses. You dont have to force a loving behavior, like nothing wrong ever happened, and turn the other cheek; but you shouldnt let indifference and hate grow in your heart either. The Temperance Tarot Card Keywords Upright. In a business-related Tarot reading, I would default to the meaning that advises you to manage resources. In situations of high stress, such as a period at work where the workload becomes more urgent or significant, or even during exam periods, its easy to be frazzled by something as small as a traffic light turning red. You will begin to feel much better! Am I pregnant? Lisa publishes the daily digest, Divinerism Daily, where she gives her subscribers tips for developing their spiritual practices. The card will perhaps refer to a specific friend. As a person, Temperance represents someone who has a patient, balanced approach to life and understands the value of compromise. Stress, worry, and anxiety are negative energies after all, and they can all feed off our positive energy to knock even more aspects of our lives off-balance. Temperance people understand that everything unfolds as its meant to, that there is never any need to hurry things along. Universe has your back. It depends on my mood. If you are interested in getting a psychic reading, then as a VekkeSind reader, you can get 5 minutes free. This will be ongoing. Everything will be restored back into order and peace will once again ensue. His academic research has been published in leading psychology journals and has been featured in The New York Times and The New Yorker, among other popular publications. An imbalance that will throw you off-track might occur soon. There are unresolved issues seeping into the relationship dynamic. When reversed, Temperance means you are thought of as either too modest and timid or quite unreliable and temperamental. Your relationship feels unfulfilling and you feel discouraged and hopeless. They may not want to negotiate at all or may want to work individually. health, extraversion, respect, and optimism. Lucky Colour: Silver. Temperance reversed denotes a passionate disagreement where one or both parties seem to believe they have been wronged and taken advantage of. -Tyler vetoed a higher tariff. Does the future of this look promising? Sometimes we must get our opinion out there without worrying how it is going to sound. I also read Temperance as a home card. They've learned from those failed relationships and all they want now is a peaceful connection. About us. Youll find relief from stress and grasp the beauty of existence. If youre having issues in the outside world, these will begin to spill over into other areas of your life. particularly as the outcome in a fixed position spread to a set question, but with the Life Spread I'd be looking for further cards to strengthen . The real meaning of the Temperance card can be deciphered using the other cards in the spread to identify areas where this imbalance is being caused. Also, humility is a buffer against relationship harms. Upright, the Temperance card is a definite yes! I would be worried if your work life is going well, as Temperance can mean that you're getting too comfortable. The card shows a tower structure in flames, surrounded by clouds and a bolt of lightning. There is no blame to assign and forget here. Temperance describing a relationship may well indicate a pairing that will severely test the mettle of the people involved. Remember, you can discover more love Tarot meanings (and the feelings of your lover) by checking out the Love Tarot Meanings E-Book. Regardless of how dismal your career options may seem right now, trust that your accomplishments have not been overlooked and that youll eventually receive the recognition you deserve. Temperance usually refers to seeking to inspire individuals to moderate liquor use or abstain from drinking liquor. The Temperance card appears to remind you that a situation has begun affecting other areas of your life. Perhaps what you wish for is not possible or you have overlooked a small yet important detail that is going to cause problems. Regardless of your actual situation, you need to be looked upon as a team player by your professional superiors, even if you work independently. In contrast, you may have been struggling through the work, and feel that the end goal is no longer achievable. Are there ways in which you can approach your relationship with more calm and generosity? Lets keep it short and sweet here: the outcome will be positive. So if you start the conversation in a calm temper, you add a pleasant mood to the negative atmosphere and ease communication. If you are in a new relationship, Temperance as love outcome means smooth sailing ahead. If youre separated by distance, inconsistency could be an issue. For example, we could pursue justice or perhaps see justice done. Learn More. This in-depth article will explore different interpretations that the Temperance card can offer in a variety of different situations and positions. Temperance Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Imbalance, self-indulgence, excess, clashing, lack of perspective, discord, antagonism, recklessness, hastiness General meaning and interpretation (Reversed) In a general context, Temperance reversed indicates imbalance or overindulgence. Dont lose your cool and be mindful that you can do everything right and still fail. When Temperance appears in a negative, drawback, challenge, or disadvantage spread position, it means youll have trouble around your home. She teaches her students how they can communicate with their ancestral spirits and predict their futures through various divination systems. Focus on indulgences instead and you might find that you arent moving forward in a career or endeavor. It is the calm guiding voice from deep within our soul with the advice to be kind, honest, and warm-hearted. Maybe you need to exercise more frequently, quit smoking tobacco, or eat a more balanced diet. I am guessing it means working on the relationship. They are cautious and regulate their emotions, so as not to disappoint their initial excitement. They come in good faith and are ready to focus on the next step. GeneralResponsibilities. Dont be! Reversed, the Temperance card can indicate a time of conflict and imbalance in your relationships. You remind them that moderation can lead to excellence. It essentially puts the emotional issue in a locked box, protecting a valued relationship. When we establish our connection with the environment, we reach the natural state of being. Make sure that the people surrounding you are not taking too much of your time or energy away from you, and that they still give back to you, as well as allow you to be alone or recharge. I keep getting this card over and over again. Both decisions to forgive and emotional forgiveness happen inside our skin, and they often are confused with social acts like saying, "I forgive you" or reconciling. When reversed, though, Temperance is an omen of disappointing news. Some of the links on my site are affiliate links which means that I earn a small commission if you purchase one of my recommendations. They are both described as philosophers, each focused on the larger picture and working towards their desires. In love readings, Temperance reversed represents an all-or-nothing attitude. And being able to achieve such grounding and calmness requires a steady vision on long-term benefits and goals. If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party. Restoring trust is not something that happens in one person. Some may get a favourable deal on a lease agreement. That simply means that, if they arent willing to meet you on common ground, better shift your attention to those who would be glad to do so. However, you can only help people who want to get help. The angel pours water between two cups, symbolizing the flow and alchemy of life. Because Temperance is considered to be an overall positive card, your answer is most likely to be yes. Even if you have the best intentions, this quarrel is going to need a lot of time to fade away. They feel harmonious and find that you bring them peace. Youre not seeing your own faults, or perhaps the other side is not ready nor willing to resolve this conflict.

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